
Wednesday 16 April 2014



  What’s your Blog’s name and URL? – Sistersshare247/
  What’s your Blog about? What do you do? Who are your readers? - A community for glamorous ladies to share tips and advice on beauty, business, fashion, lifestyle, weddings, health, relationships and more
  What's the greatest thing about your Blog? Why is it better than other blogs? – Its combines a lot of things and brings about togetherness for women, it’s all about helping each other
  How’d you come up with the name for your Blog? – I wanted a name that connotes the idea, I have always been passionate about helping women
  What was your first Blogging experience? How did you first get into the world of blogging? – I have a photography blog as well, I am a photographer – jasmine lens. I love sharing ideas
  What time do you usually start blogging each day? How many hours a day do you usually blog? – I blog two articles or one per day. I hope to increase this as I want to get another person to help
  What major problems is your blog coming to address in the lives of your target audience? – A blog that helps women become better version of themselves in Nigeria, it’s not only about beauty but beauty from within through good health and lots more
  When do your best ideas come to you? In bed in the morning? During dinner? On your third beer? Or? – At night and in the morning
  A lot of people have big ideas. What gave you the confidence to actually go after yours? – I felt very positive about it as people have always told me that I am a good writer
  When’s the last time you went on vacation and where did you go? – It’s been a long time. I am currently planning one
  Remember the early days of starting up? Describe the struggles you went through. – it’s been good. It’s just time needed to blog
  How do you handle frustration? What has been your biggest professional frustration? – not getting enough exposure
  What’s your Blogging environment like? Do you listen to music? Watch movies? Play video games? Yes
  How do you picture your Blog in 5 years? – I see myself having a talk show
  Who or what inspires YOU? Role models? Quotes? Running? Video games? Snack food? – Beauty of the environment and people
  How’d you currently make money off your blog? – I get some money from sponsored posts like cosmetics sellers
  What other advice do you have for other wanna be bloggers struggling to get started? – To be focused and keep blogging till something happens
  What would you do if you had a year off and N50,000,000 to spend (on something other than blogging)? – I would start a charity for women
  Do you consider yourself a successful Blogger? If not, what’ll make you feel successful? –I will be successful when I get the much needed exposure
  Top 5 websites you couldn’t live without and why? – Variety of sites via pinterest, beautyblog, I am not addicted to anyone in particular
  What is your music genre of choice, and what are you listening to right now? – R and B, The weekend
  Number 1 country you’ve always wanted to visit but haven’t yet? (And why that country?) – Seychelles . I love serene and exotic places
  Three people (other than you) we should follow on Twitter or BBM and why? - @casaferanza, @Moeodele @onobello
  Please share some specific numbers (funding, revenue, visitors) that highlight your growth.


  Twitter Handle?  @ayobolar, @sistersshare247
  Facebook Page? Ayobola Adediji
  Google +?  sistersshare247

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