
Friday 11 April 2014


1.      Rough and TUMBLE Things: Imagine a guy driving so rough as if he is under a hot chase by MOPOL, I recall a
guy I met a while back and there was a day he mistakenly called me and was screaming fuck u at someone while driving, he did not even know I picked his phone and I could hear him, let’s just say the next time he saw me, I pretended I did not know him and I was someone else. Lol
2.      Spit FIRE THINGS:
I am definitely not princess Diana, but I don’t like people spitting unnecessarily and especially in public in the most disgusting way, some people would not even tilt their heads oh, they are spit Spartans, they spit with skills that can rival some matrix moves, I have seen people spit with their teeth closed, bottom-line it is a deal breaker for me, especially when it is done in the most crude way. 
This guy would avoid birthdays, vals day, lie that his phone is spoilt or his ATM is lost, he would disappear for the flimsiest things, and it makes me wonder, are u that broke, it’s more of a mentality thing cause, even some broke guys still share a dollar, and it’s even the lies they put up when trying to form smart, am like u really don’t have to get me anything, so don’t go on with this charade of  trying to act like you would have. Definitely not husband material, if not your kids would suffer, be second class citizens cause this type of guy would not drop half of house rent, half of school fees, he would not drop half of anything!  Let this be known, if I ever become the richest woman in the world, I still want a man to buy me dinner once in a while and it’s not about the money, it’s about the gesture, the act, the thought. In addition when I pay for dinner, I want a man that wont feel insecure.

Always competing with everyone even you, you buy BB Z10, he rushes to add money up and buy, you buy a car the guy rushes to quickly buy something even if it is a *jalopy, he competes with you, your siblings, your friends, gets into jealous rage . You would hear him say things like ‘my laptop is a newer model, or that laptop is a new model, but mine is more durable and it better, they just sold that guy *Pangolo. Lmao. My friend’s ex was so insecure, she bought a BlackBerry back then and the guy was running up and down lagos the next day (like his life depends on it) to buy his only lower model of BlackBerry, she complained to me that it felt very funny anyways he is her ex now. Next!
5.      Dishonest ways- There was this toaster a friend of mine had, she asked if she could go through his pictures, and because he likes her so much he could  not come up with any excuse to refuse, she saw naked pictures of both male and female, picture of sexual acts in the most disgusting way, coupled with that the guy was very dishonest about a lot of things, definitely a DEAL breaker
Do you guys have any deal breakers you want to share?
A free Glamorous photo-shoot (By Jasmine Lens Photography ) awaits the reader who follows the blog and has the most comments at the end of this month (March) a winner would be picked

*jalopy-A rickety car
*Pangolo- A thing of very low worth
* Aradite- A very stingy person

 Things That Should Be Relationship Dealbreakers

  • . They won’t or can’t say I love you, even after years and years of being together, or can’t show you how they feel, even in non-verbal ways.
  • . They won’t introduce you to their friends or family members and you haven’t been to a single family get-together. However, the latter is understandable if their family genuinely sucks and they don’t go to those either.
  • . They call you names, like “stupid,” “idiot,” “bitch,” “whore” and “slut.”
  • . They don’t understand what consent is or that sex is not an obligation.
  • . They don’t know what your middle name or your favorite color is or key facts about you that you would expect every single person who knows you well to know.
  • . They don’t let you speak during conversations, consistently talk over you and interrupt you or just won’t shut up ever. Find someone who knows when to be silent or can sit and enjoy the silence.
  • . They won’t marry you, even though they know that you really, really want to get married and you’ve been together for seven years.
  • . They won’t pick up after themselves, ever, and always make you do it.
  • . They refuse to participate in things they know you really like and are meaningful to you, even though you’ve explained how much these things mean to you and have repeatedly asked them.
  • . They yell at you a lot for no reason. Or they yell at you a lot for any reason. Someone who wants to be with you will communicate with you in a respectful, low-decibel manner.
  • . They refuse to communicate what is wrong, any time that something is wrong, until whatever was wrong blows up five months later into something that is much worse than the argument that might have ensued had they just accepted your invitation to talk about it in the first place.
  •  They never listen to you when you are speaking or when you are talking about your day.
  •  They don’t value or respect your opinions or take you seriously.
  • They won’t let you win in arguments or let you be right, ever, because everything is always about them.
  •  They don’t know what your needs are, because they haven’t asked and didn’t listen when you told them what they were, or aren’t willing to evolve as those needs evolve.
  •  They won’t make simple compromises with you and try to find common ground or will ask that you make sacrifices that they won’t return the favor on.
  • . They can’t see the value in your career or life goals and do things like insist that, were you to have children, you would have to be the one who stays home with them all day.
  • They always insinuate that their career or job (read: life) is somehow more important than whatever you are doing. (Even being a stay-home parent is a lot of work.)
  • They aren’t willing to adapt to the little quirks and eccentricities that make you so wonderfully yourself.
  • . They repeatedly body shame you and make you feel bad about the way you look.
  • . They don’t know the difference between being cute jealous and being Othello.
  • . They spend money outrageously irresponsibly, like using the money you had saved up to buy new lenses to go on a shopping spree, and won’t do the work to become more fiscally mature, because they won’t do the work to become more mature.
  • . They are out of work and won’t look for a job; it’s not that they can’t find one, but that they won’t get off the damn couch.
  • . They are cheating on you or in love with someone else when the two of you are monogamous, or they are already in a monogamous relationship with someone else.
  • . They spend more time playing with video games or Twitter than they do playing with you.
  • . They make fun of you for being who you are or try to change you into someone you don’t want to be — when that change has nothing to do with your wellbeing or safety.
  • . They don’t care for themselves or about themselves, particularly in the universally agreed upon areas of personal hygiene.
  • . They are nice to you, but only you — while being a tool to your friends, your family, their friends, their family, your dog, their dog, the mailman, the busboy, their secretary, the cab driver, the barista and almost every other person you see every day. Or they are not nice to you.
  • . They lie to you consistently about everything or hide major things from you — like that they have a secret family.
  •  They can’t respect your privacy and have a habit of going through your email, Facebook, phone, diary, underwear drawer, planner or pager (if anyone still has one of those) to look for “evidence” or check to see who you are talking to, because if you have to check up on someone to feel comfortable in a relationship, that is probably not the relationship for you. You can’t have a relationship if you don’t trust each other.38. They can’t find any joy or pleasure in life and have no passion or drive for anything, not even small things.
  • . They will let you go to bed mad, because they don’t really care if you get mad, because they’re okay with just giving you the silent treatment and that’s it, because they aren’t mature enough to resolve conflict or they don’t really care about your feelings.
  • . They speak fluent passive-aggression. 
  • . They don’t let you be with other people, like your friends and family, and don’t understand that you have a life that exists outside of them. Space is important.
  • . They can’t take criticism, like if you gently bring up that they chew with their mouth open and they lash out at you for it, as if you are supposed to be the one who chews their food for them. People like that won’t take any fault in the relationship, which is a problem when attempting to build a life with someone. 
  • They don’t understand the difference between being helpful and proactive and a little type-A and being incredibly controlling and manipulative. 
  • They hurt or injure you as a joke 
  • They won’t learn, grow, or try new things, ever, even new things that you really want to try and promise them sex in return for trying, and won’t experiment in the bedroom. 
  • They threaten you or hit you. Even if they say they are sorry. Even if it’s just one time. Forgiveness is your choice, and I won’t shame you for forgiveness, but in my opinion, you can forgive someone without ever being in a relationship with them ever again. You can move on by moving on.. They just aren’t in love with you anymore, and you aren’t in love with them anymore. There’s no sense in spending all that time on someone you don’t really want to be with.

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