
Wednesday 16 April 2014

Sistersshare247 Blog is bringing sexy back- PRESS RELEASE

April 16th , 2013                    
The blog Sistershare247 is currently of the hottest destination for information on beauty, business, fashion, lifestyle, weddings, health, and relationships.  
The site has categories like weddings, Beauty, Photography and lots more
Ladies learn the best fertility foods, beauty foods and even how to eat foods that make the breast go bigger.
The blog author said ‘I have always been passionate about doing something for women and I would love to bring back the old days when women meet on the streets and said hello to one another, when ladies loved each other and protected each other unlike what we have currently which is a lot of envy and unnecessary tension between women’
The secrets of anti-aging are dissected in clear details and in explanatory terms. How to make you hair grow fasts and the hottest makes up trends is also shared
Relationship tips are shared and women get to learn what makes a man fall hard.
It’s is a must go destination for glamorous women that want to improve on themselves and their health
The blog plans to organize outing for women to meet, interact and socialize, t-shirts would be printed and member can in unity do something for their communities and Nigeria as a whole.
Blog user can subscribe via RSS feeds here and also invite your friends from facebook to the blog here and follow us on twitter here

·          08133812460
·         @sistershare247
·         Google + sistersshare247

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