
Friday 11 April 2014


          1. The Arrogant guy- This over confident type of guy feels he is God’s gift to women, he is very aggressive
and loves to have his way, he is a player and usually very randy. This man would not treat you like you are special.



2 .    The Ladies man- This type of guy I must admit is very sweet and caring, very thoughtful, however is sweet to every lady. You can never really say he belongs to you.


   3.    Mr. Timid- This guy has no balls, absolutely no balls, he is too afraid of rejection, always fading into the background, he does not believe in himself. A complete coward


 4.    Mr. Insecure- This type of guy prefers a woman with very little money, especially when he is zero in terms of looks, he feels threaten by a successful woman, this type of guy would try to undermine your success in any way he can. He would always compete with you. If this guy sees that you are driving a better car than him, he would look for faults about the car and always try to point out why his car is better.



   5.    Mr. scattered- This guy is as reckless and as scattered as they come, he cannot concentrate on anything, something as simple as typing on BB is hard, let alone a relationship, he drives rough, always in a hurry and has dirty fingernails, he is always trying to start one business or the other



      6.    Mr. Stinjo- This one cannot buy you a pin, oh dear, he is as stingy as hell, he would avoid birthdays, Vals day and lie that he is not good at getting gifts, he would never spend a dime on you. RUN Joelina run


 7.    Mr. Gold-digger- oh oh oh I am trying to contain myself. I hate this lot, emphasis on hate, low life evil manipulative lot, always trying to use a woman to climb the social calendar, this kind of guy would propose to you as soon as you get a lucrative job, very desperate guy, always looking for the next big thing in a woman, he would stalk celebrities on twitter, famz on FB to rich girls, anything to get into wealth by all means, he would initially lie that his ATM is faulty and then make up stories of starting a business, he would steal your money, use your credit and drive your car to even carry babes. Such men are dangerous because they can go to any lengths. He can kill for rituals depending on his level of desperation

8. Mr. nice guy- Yes he is sweet and all that, very sweet and caring, acts like a love struck baby, it is only because he wants to get you into bed and he only shows you attention when you are with him, when he is away he is cold and distance almost like a stranger. RUN BABY RUN!

PS: Some guys exhibit at least 2 or 3 of these traits, ladies run.
Our next article would feature lord of the rings and players; we might even publish names of serious offenders (kidding maybe?)

Ladies if you have any story to share or a guy to warn ladies about- send your stories to:
All the best!


  1. Damn .This is soooooo true. i have met the arrogant guy and the ladies man.

  2. Spot on! wow. interesting!

  3. Keep it coming.

    Bisi Ms saucy

  4. Ladies shine ya eyes... lmao... abeg I have to go back to work now.


  5. Lmao one chance things!

