
Tuesday 11 June 2013




  The first step is to wash your tomato, pepper and onion.
Blend tomato, onion and pepper, according to the desired quantity; my stew is always extra hot so I add more pepper than most people and I mostly blend a whole onion.

Pour the blended mixture in a pot and boil. Boil the mixture till it is as dry as possible. When you’re satisfied, pour it in a tight sieve to drain any excess water. This is to ensure that the stew is dry and fries quickly.
 While boiling the mixture, you can prepare your chicken if you haven’t done so. add curry, thyme, mixed spices , knorr aromat, onion, ginger, salt, knorr cube to my chicken. If it is soft tender chicken, I do not add water. I allow it to steam on low heat. If it is hard chicken aka old layer,  add water but  always make sure the water is little so that the stock can be concentrated

   When chicken is cooked, heat a pan of oil,  peel a small whole onion and drop it in the pan. I always do this when frying beef or stew, the aroma is lovely ! Try it! After adding the onion, add the chicken and fry.
 Heat the pot you will use for cooking the stew, add the oil used in frying the chicken/beef, add chopped onions, add a cube of maggi/knorr and some curry. The aroma this produces for your stew is amazing. Your neighbours will start knocking your door.

    When the onion is fried, add the tomato mixture and stir continuously. Now reduce the pressure of your cooker because it is best fried on medium heat. The stew does not take long to get ready when you start frying, probably an extra 6 minutes will do. Keep stirring, make sure it does not burn; this is not party jollof rice. DO NOT add salt or any extra spice so that your food is not over salted. Remember, at the end you are going to add the chicken stock to the stew, which is already spiced.

    After it has stewed a little, I add the beef/chicken/turkey and allow to keep stewing. I do not cover the pot at all in this stew process.
   Taste to see if it is as cooked as you like, and then lastly add the beef/chicken stock and mix everything together. Taste for salt, if you need more, you can add at this point. However, I never need to do that.
Turn off the stew and allow to simmer.
You can serve it with Rice, Yam, Beans, Dodo. Everybody loves delicious stew. I even eat mine with Agege bread; That bread wey be like vita foam.

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