
Saturday 6 December 2014


It’s easier to build strong men than repair broken, hopeless and lost men – Frederick Douglas
Its nothing personal guys, its just the truth, ok if I were you, I wouldn't bother with emotionally unavailable men, however for the sake of the freaks among us (just
kidding), this article is for freaks willing to risk their happiness by trying to date emotionally unavailable/confused men.

Exhibit A- I one met an emotionally unavailable man and from my findings, this was going  be an interesting specimen, I was eager to get into the mind of this specimen. My findings below: 

Step 1- Say you just want to be friends and that would make him immediately want you, all you need to say is ‘all I want from this relationship is friendship. You would become irresistible to this emotionally unavailable man.He would then say he wants to be more than friends and that he isn’t getting any younger, blah blah blah, however do not make the mistake of agreeing with him, cos he would suddenly realize that he cant handle it, he might say things like, I cant win, I always disappoint you, I am not good at this, I am always sad and depressed, blah blah blah
Step 2- Never disagree or correct him or ever complain about anything why? Because the emotionally confused man wants a robot, he wants a lady that will never challenge him. 
Step 3- Stay busy and always have fun without Mr emotionally unavailable, you cant spend too much time with him, never call him, miss some of his calls 
Step 4- Never let him know you like him, my sister that is a taboo , the emosh unavailable confused man would immediately lose interest in you once he knows you like him , let alone you actually saying it out loud!

So go out there, have fun and be sure to let him know about the fun life you have without him . But you've been warned 


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