
Friday 8 March 2013


I love women and I don’t mean this in any freaky way, I am damn straight so don’t get any ideas, I see women looked at as the weaker
sex, so I always feel the need to protect them, some say I have the messiah complex, it stems from the fact that my mother, one of the finest women I have ever known, she is quality stuff. When I get
accolades from people saying am really sweet and soft spoken, I smile to myself and think, you have not met my mother, how do I begin to describe a woman so loving , so selfless, so full of compassion, a woman that always stands by her man, ready to give and keep giving. I remember when I first entered the university, I thought to myself, my mum is a good woman yet she has not been lucky in her marriage, what’s the point of being a good woman, let’s just say God talked some sense into me, I was only going to hurt myself by not being who I  truly am.
At the early stages of my life I hated men, I felt no man deserved my respect (they sure did not behave like they deserved it) or how do you explain men bailing out when things as flimsy as valentine,or running once a girl got pregnant; so I became a tough woman, I also have not been so exceptionally lucky in love, but it has been on my own terms. I made up my mind that I was not going to take any BS from any man, I don’t have a good relationship with my father, one day I am going to change that. Back to the topic at hand, Lamar I am trying to understand why a man would stay with a woman for a chunky 12 years and get her pregnant three times, I do know for a fact quote me anywhere, a man always knows and very quickly when you are the one, they know if they want to spend the rest of their lives with you, why would a man stay with a woman for 12 YEARS! Knowing she is just an option, it’s just plain inhumane when you know she is hoping, praying, fantasizing , wishing that you do the right thing, the issue is not Khloe(that’s for people that jump into conclusions) Khloe has done NOTHING wrong!.(Just wanted to state that fact) you Lamar are something else for lack of a better word and internet censoring. I really feel so sorry for liza, it’s amazing how she claimed to have moved on, am really pleased about how strong she seems. If you had just been honest with her instead of giving excuses like ‘once I quit the NBA’, ‘NBA marriages do not last’,that way, if she had stayed with you she would have stayed on her own terms, you can’t say you did not know she wanted marriage so bad, if you knew you could not give her that, why delay her for so long?
There are good men out there, it’s just there are not so easy to find and when you find him, hold tight and don’t let go, show him the rewards of being a good man.
We need a revolution, we need a bill passed, this bill should protect women from exploitation, for instance if you co-habit with a man for 5years, you automatically become a legal wife, to think after 10 years she does not even receive alimony?
And Lamar you informed her you are getting married via text???? Via text Lamar?
#ALIMONY FOR Liza Morales



  1. Liza in 2011

    1. Wow she is really a strong lady. thanks for the video link. cheers
