
Saturday 7 March 2015

BUST FOODS-Foods That Increase Breast Size/ Exercises that work

We know our Nigerian men like boobs right? Nuff said, for those that are satisfied with their bust size, please you can check another post on the blog. Lol. This is for those who wish to increase their bust size for whatever reasons best known to them.
There are several food items that are highly recommended for women who want to increase the size of their breasts naturally. If you want to have fuller and enhanced breasts then surgeries or pills are not the only solution. You can also go for inexpensive natural remedies to increase breast size. Chest exercises are one of the effective way to increase the bust size and food also helps increase the breast tissues growth. You can also massage the breasts with creams to increase the bust size naturally. Here
are foods to increase breast size naturally and get the perfect figure. Foods to increase bust size:
Hormonal imbalance is one of the common reasons behind having small breasts. Excessive testosterone production in the female body slows down the growth of breasts.
Estrogen is the hormone responsible for breast growth in women. Therefore, in order to boost the size of your breasts, it is beneficial to take foods rich in estrogen. This also counters the effects of testosterone in the body.
The drug Reproaid is very good for hormonal imbalance and it contains most of the elements in the foods mentioned. If you want to order yours, Please contact sistersshare
1. Soy- Some of the foods rich in estrogen include soy and dairy products. One of the reasons why soy beans and products made from soy are so popular, is because soy is known to be an excellent source of natural estrogen. Dairy products also fall in the category of major sources of this essential hormone.
2. To reduce the production of testosterone, have fresh fruits and vegetables rich in estrogen levels. Whole grains such as barley, brown rice and oats also increases the bust size.
3. Chicken is rich in estrogen so include chicken in your diet food to increase breast size naturally.
 4. Dairy products such as milk and yogurt are also rich in estrogen. Have dairy products to enhance the breast size.
5. Green leafy vegetables and food rich in proteins and vitamins improves the growth of breast tissues. Asparagus, beetroot, lettuce, cabbage, cauliflower, legumes, carrots, onion, cucumber and pumpkin are protein rich food to increase the breast size naturally.
6. Eggs, protein shakes, fish, meat and milk are also protein food to enhance breast size.
7. Cherries, strawberries and blueberries are estrogen rich fruits. Include them in your diet to increase breast size naturally.
 8. Bromine and manganese increases the production of sex hormones in the body. Apples, walnuts, almonds, pears, mussels, corn, ginger, garlic, prawns and brown rice are foods rich in bromine and manganese. Have these foods to increase bust size naturally and enhance them.
9. Avoid having caffeine, carbonated drinks, salty and junk food. Have plenty of water everyday. Have sesame seeds to increase bust size.
10. Flax seeds- Flax seeds are known to have countless benefits in the body, and providing estrogen is one of them. You can include flax seeds in your everyday meals. To get the best of these seeds, crush them or grind in a coffee grinder and sprinkle over other foods. You can also use the crushed seeds in smoothies.

If you cannot get flax seeds, you can use sunflower seeds or pumpkin seeds. Apart from providing estrogen, all these seeds contain healthy fats that are equally essential in the development of the fatty tissue of the breast. Anise seeds are also excellent for the same purposes.

11.) Spices-Spices are dried parts of a plant used to flavor food, make medicine or perfumes. Some spices are known to have mestogenic properties as they bear compounds which increase the size of the breast tissues. The spices used as sexual stimulants also enhance breasts. Some of the recommended ones include ginger, cloves, sage, oregano and thyme. Peppers, turmeric and red clovers are also excellent natural breast enhancers.

14.) Beans and peas-When it comes to foods that increase breast size and shape, beans and peas come out on top. If you want to see your dreams come true, ensure that you have a few of the following beans or peas in your daily meals. Lima beans, kidney beans and red beans are the easiest to access. You can also use chickpeas, which are also known as garbanzo beans, and navy beans. The black eyed peas are the best legumes for breast enhancement, so are lentils and split peas.

15.) Fruits and Vegetables-Fruits and vegetables are essential in the diet since they regulate the level of testosterone in the body. The high fiber content in fruits and vegetables is essential in boosting the size of the breasts. Some of the recommended items from this category include red cabbage, brussel sprouts, cauliflower and broccoli, blueberries and strawberries. These are also known to fight cancer cells, and the berries in particular contain anthocyanins, which fight the free radicals in the body.

Other fruits include apples, cherries, dates, papayas, plums, and pomegranates. Vegetables include alfalfa, beets, carrots, cucumbers and eggplants, olives, potatoes, tomatoes, rhubarb and pumpkins.

16.) Herbs-Herbs, just like spices, are used to flavor main dishes. Small quantities of certain herbs are essential in natural enhancement of breasts. For decades, herbs have been used in the homesteads as remedies for different ailments and conditions. In fact, underdeveloped breasts used to be considered an ailment and in some cases it still may be.

Fenugreek is one of the ancient herbs used as natural breast enhancer as it promotes the healthy growth of breast tissue. While saw palmetto is also used, along with wild yam

17.) Healthy mono unsaturated fats-Since the breast is made up of fatty tissue, other breast enhancing foods are those containing healthy fats. You can get these healthy fats from olives, avocados, nuts, seeds and herring. You can also use avocado or olive oil in your cooking.

   18. Fennel- Fennel, an estrogenic herb commonly found in Mediterranean cooking is rich in phyto-nutrients, a nutritional substance found in plants that can help increase breast size. Fennel also has been widely used for centuries as a natural way to increase milk production in the breast. Likewise, fennel seeds are rich in flavonoids, which cause cell tissues in the breast to grow. Incorporate Mediterranean recipes that use fennel or fennel seeds into your daily diet, or rub lotions containing fennel on your chest.
  19.  Sesame Seeds- Sesame seeds, which are commonly found on bagels and buns, are rich in calcium, phosphorus, iron and protein. This unique combination helps firm and enlarge the breasts. Sprinkle sesame seeds over your salad, choose breads with sesame seeds and eat hummus regularly, which contains tahini, a paste made from sesame seeds. You also can apply sesame oil directly on the breasts. There are also Sesame snack bars here in Nigeria

Exercise regularly by pushing the breasts against the wall or floor or bed to for breast enlargement.
20. Wild Yam-Wild yam, a natural sexual stimulant, also can help increase breast size. Like fennel, wild yam is rich in phyto-nutrients that promote healthy breast cell growth. Wild yam can be taken in supplement form, infused into a tea or added to a lotion that is directly applied to the cheat.
 21. Saw Palmetto-Saw palmetto has earned its place in both ancient medicine and folklore for being a natural breast enlargement remedy. Used for centuries, saw palmetto contains phyto-nutrients like wild yam and fennel, which helps promote breast growth. You can take daily saw palmetto supplements for breast enlargement.
Other Recommendations
Vitamin E, Dong Quai, Blessed Thistle, Dandelion, Kelp, Watercress, L-Tyrosine, Soy Isoflavones, Red Clover and Black Cohosh are also popular herbs used for breast enlargement, and they help reduce the risk of breast cancer. Whole grains, vegetables and chocolate also can help stimulate the breast enhancing process.
Massage Your Breasts
Massaging your breasts helps increase circulation in the breast and the release of breast-growth hormones. To start, apply massage oil to the breast with your hands using little pressure with your palms and fingertips. Next, wrap each hand around one breast, so that the whole hand is cupping the entirety of the breast. Keeping this hold, lightly massage the breasts in a circular pattern, says the site. Next, continue the circular massage around the areas of the breast near the armpit using your fingertips. Then, gently lift and apply pressure to both breasts in a repetitive, kneading fashion. Move your hands along the whole of the breast to ensure you have kneaded all areas.
Perform Breast-Enhancing Exercises
Exercises can help build the muscle behind the breast tissue, which, done regularly, can make your breasts appear larger. To build up these muscles, lie on your back against the floor, with a three-pound dumbbell in each hand. The weight of the dumbbell can vary depending on your needs. Next, stretch your arms completely out along the floor, keeping them at shoulder level. With elbows slightly bent, bring the arms up so that the weights touch and hold. Bring the arms back down, having them stretched out and at shoulder level. Repeat this exercise 15 times. Performing exercises such as these can help promote breast growth.


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