
Thursday 21 February 2013


Guys dish on what makes them fall hard

We got real guys to reveal what they think makes a perfect girlfriend—some are obvious, others silly, and some eye-opening.

"A woman who knows how to treat her man, who
is open and honest" not forming big and too special around him - Patrick 33

"She has to be smart, sexy, ambitious, funny, a good cook and good in bed -Ese 33

"That's the thing-I can fall in love with different kinds of attitude, its the core of the person , their inner fire, that I fall in love with, I have been in love with a quiet girl, a loud girl, a shy girl and a moody girl, it doesn't matter" - Chuka 30 

"For me its very important to be atttractive, intelligent and neat with a good sense of humor" - Seun 30 

“She has to be a good listener. I love a girl who shows enthusiasm for stuff that’s important to me, whether it’s my job or my favourite Xbox game and asks me about it from time to time.” — Ade, 20

 “I love a girl with a sense of humour. If she’s got the ability to make me laugh, she’s definitely a keeper.” — Segun, 21

“I think a woman’s independence in a relationship is what makes a guy fall hard for her. Her individual life with hobbies and passions is one of her sexiest assets and should remain that way.” — James, 23

“She should be a calm person; I don’t know how to deal with women who cry often and for no reason and frankly, I don’t want to either.” — Tayo 24

“She needs to be honest with me; I can’t stand a woman who acts suspicious. I want to be able to trust her and shouldn’t have to interrogate and question her about everything.” — John, 22

“It’s important that my girlfriend gets along with my friends. I want someone who will get along with the boys and yet hold her own in our circle of friends.” — Emeka O, 19

“I need to have the same idea of what fun is as my girlfriend does. For example, I am a speed tourist—I can’t last with someone who would take 7 hours at the National Museum—2 hours is plenty, really. I want to see the waterfall, not hike in it for hours. We need to like the same kind of restaurants, parties, etc. Also, be willing to try ‘my’ things because I will be willing to try yours.” — Segun 21

“If I catch a girl searching my phone or she starts suspiciously questioning me, it is over. A great girlfriend is secure in herself, and trusts me. If you put your faith in me, your feelings on the line and just trust me, the last thing I want to do is disappoint you.” — Meka, 23

“She should laugh and often. I’m not into overly giggly women, but I’d like for her to appreciate my sense of humour and for us to share good laughs often.” — Chidi, 22

“Great girlfriends don’t nag or hassle you or argue all the time. When you complain all the time, I stop listening and start thinking about something else, so you’re really just wasting your time.” — Jona, 21

“I don’t need a Chef, but a woman who can throw down a respectable meal or two is really important. It’s nice to be cooked for every once in a while.” — Gabriel, 22

“I want to be my girlfriend’s boyfriend, not her girlfriend. I can’t stand it when a girl blabs on and on about her friends’ drama or even worse—celebrity gossip.” — Timothy, 21


  1. A woman who is open-minded,has a positive outlook on life, supportive, level-headed, enterprising and is sensitive 2 my wants and needs would blow my mind any day. some sex appeal/a homely personality would also get me falling like a pack of dominos
